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Is this guy still up for offer? i saw him on the Skire ml open for offers and just wanted to check
(if yes what are you looking for for them?)

Yes he is !! I’m looking for CCCat swaps or anyone who can get me this guy !! I would provide multiple add ons such as another CCCat(s), a voucher, and or other stuff ^^

Awesome! And what a dreamie oml, but I sadly don't have anything that could match their worth to even offer (with a fair offer)

But does [Angel] interest you?

They do a bit, but I’m unsure I’d really connect ! I’d have to think about it for a bit, is that ok ?

Sure np! take your time just lemme know what you decide ^^

Hi !! As much as I do like them, I don’t think I’d be willing to trade Finnley for them, sorry ! However, 3 way trades are always an option

7 Replies