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I finally started watching ds9 and now I get where your username comes from, I hadn't realized it was a reference this whole time!

Yeah!! it's also a sneaky shakespeare reference! "What's past is prologue" from the tempest! i noticed it when i watched DS9 and started using it as a username!!

aaa I should have caught that one I'm too into shakespeare for my own good (to be fair mostly just 12th night) I reread the tempest recently too smh 

It's interesting that the writers chose to make a tempest reference at the beginning of ds9 when they also made one at the end of tng

aaaa i was in a production of 12th night at the beginning of the year!! i played malvolio :^) 

oh shit u right!!! I love that omg

wha thats so cool!! I'm jealous being in a production of 12th night is on my bucket list, I auditioned for my uni's summer production last year, but they kept making me read for the women and I was like ah... gender and then didn't get in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but one day!! I'd also like to direct a production one day but thats a bit loftier

what was playing malvolio like? Was it a more malvolio sympathetic production or was it played for goofs?

Ahhh we did a very gay production!!!! Viola was played by a non binary person and well. i am trans. 

as someone who's fought to be in productions at my university, i def recommend doing ur own shit. our 12th night was student organized by a friend of mine who is starting his own company. ive done more productions outside of school than in it 

oh it was absolutely for laughs. the show was way silly. there's a great picture on my insta if you wanna see: @gavinhjrobertson

who would you want to play!! 

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