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Haha no worries because I also don't quite remember our conversations as well. As I've said, your username and art are just both really distinct so I can't help but remember you. It's honestly understandable if you don't remember me especially if you're someone similar to me and has been to a lot of avatar forum sites.

ah I'm flattered you remember me though >< and that you reached out

but yes I actually am lmfao, I've always bounced around avatar sites ever since gaia started going downhill

and now I'm on dappervolk xD are you still active on any of them?

Haha I saw you around and thought "Oh hey. I remember this person."

I'm still on Gaia but only for commissions. I also still go on Recolor but rarely because it's impossible to find commissions there these days. I sadly don't really have much spare time for avatar sites these days along with a lack of energy for constant chatting haha. I guess I'm just getting old? 

I do have a Dappervolk account though but I haven't been there in ages aha

oh I see, did you come upon my TH cause of gaia then? xD I do randomly pop in here and there

and yeah recolor never really picked up in activity, at least for me ><

I totally get that though, avatar sites take up a lot of time .-.

oh where you on dv during beta? they did take long to officially launch xD

Ah nope. I saw you post in another commission thread on here and was like "Oh! I think I know this person!" haha.

I think the only place that's fairly active on Recolor is the chatterbox section and it's one of those places I don't particularly care about in forum sites. I usually prefer hangouts/ generally places where I can get to talk to the same set of people mainly because I can be picky when choosing people who I talk to. Years spent on avatar sites made me realize that there are some people I just prefer not to talk to --- not necessarily because they're rude or annoying but just because we have very different wavelengths and I don't really find it particularly enjoyable interacting with them.

I tried their NPC quest things for the most part and I did try opening an art shop there but it was a flop haha. I am glad that it was a flop though. Otherwise, I might have gotten hooked on collecting every limited item in the site again;;;

oh fair xD that timing though, I am not too active on here lmfao

and ah yeah, I was never a fan of the chatterbox anywhere 

that's totally understandable, I think I'm the same way

but I do tend to hang around the art forums mainly

their quest is rather grindy and oof I wish I could say the same

I got hooked just cause the art forum is so active ><

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