Comments on  [CLOSED] ANIMATED ART RAFFLE All Comments

Thank you so much to everyone who entered this giveaway ! This was really heartwarming to see how many of ya'll participated :) Hope you'll stick around, as I'll be doing more giveaways like these ! And if you don't want to try your luck, my animated commissions are always open !!!!

Alright, enough talking ! The winner of this giveaway is.... Number 62 !
Which is..........

Shadowfreakdraws !! Congratulations ! I'll send you a DM immediately :)

Hi just replying to this comment just in case if you can't do the character I requested in the DM please let me know and I am perfectly fine with picking another character

They're totally fine ! Don't worry :) I'll probably take a while to get to it but Im not forgetting you ! I just have other commissions started up and class projects to atend to :) If you're worried, you're always free to send me a message

All right sounds good!