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Twitch. Twitch.

"O-oh?" A young boy with a brown, oversized coat and a white beret turned to face the one in front of him. His giant, fluffy, brown tail followed gravity and wrapped around his body before resting behind him.

"...a..annyeoung haseyo." He spoke up, his Korean accent quite apparent. "I'm Ryung. Ryung Tae-Joon." His tail softly twitched as a bead of sweat accommodating his forehead. He's no good at meeting with new people. Not at all.

"I heard rumors...that you an angel? I'm not sure if that's true definetly....look like one.." His mint green eyes quickly shifted to the right, his blush deepening.

" go get some coffee? My treat."

Tia's attention was pulled away from her phone at the sound of the squirrel boy's voice. She turned a little to see him, and her eyes lit up with admiration. She thought he was adorable!

The bird lady perked up a bit more as she realized he was Korean - based upon his greeting and accent - so she responded somewhat fluently with, "Yeoboseyo!" She wasn't Korean herself, but she at least knew a few simple greetings. Her head tilted ever so slightly to the right as she noticed the tiny bead of sweat that ran down his forehead, so she softened her expression into a warm smile. She'd try to keep her energy in check, so as not to potentially make him even more nervous.

"An angel?" Tia questioned, then laughed a little as she opened her wings a bit. "Is it because of these?" she asked jokingly before she chuckled and folded her wings back. "Thank you, though. Also, I'm Tia! Nice to meet you.~"

Her smile widened into a small grin after introducing herself, but then when he asked about getting some coffee, her face lit up more.

"Duuude, yes. I love coffee.~" She answered, her wings twitching slightly.