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that's...a good question LOL i hadn't thought of his line of work. //thinks/ he might have barbershop work on the side, like a part time... if we're thinking really modern, i can see him being a baker, high class restaurant manager, or band manager (or member possibly). what does Atlas do?? xer's family background's not all that complex- it might just appear that way. not EVERYONE has to hate him loll we could always say they're part of the family not by blood, or are halfies? possibly half cousins? in matching colors i think that works well enough.


LOL-- it's okay I understand!! ohh I think all those ideas fit nicely and work * - * hmm I'm leaning towards the barbershop and band manager/member idea! maybe they can be second cousins? and like Atlas is a usual client to Xer's shop to get haircuts since he was young (I think they're almost 10 years apart in age LOL) and Atlas has a friend (Noel) who's in a band too!

dang so he's about 22 / 23? ya ik, xer's old af. LOL i'm fine with them being second cousins! (it's so confusing, i had to figure out what this was by looking at a chart XD) xer will be a PT barber then! i have a few musician OCs already, so i'm going to put xer down as a manager. just saying that when working, all that comes out of his mouth is work-related stuff. lol but when his other personality comes out, he's more sociable and nice- smiles too (while normal xer doesn't smile).

is Atlas himself not in a band? how does he treat relatives who're not close personally?


haha yeahh he's like mid-20s-ish I haven't decided an explicit age yet haha Xer isn't /that/ old LOL He still looks fresh as hell 8'D (also yeah me too about the family tree tbh why does it have to be so confusing and complex haha) ahh okay!! I think Atlas will be very accepting of both Xers!

Atlas isn't officially in a band (yet?), but he's getting dragged into the music world LOL he either is going to go to the boy band route or the rock band route-- ; w;

ooO ok i disagree tho, 32 sounds old to me ahahah i'm only 22 rn, but that already sounds old. XD atlas is such a cutie tho! bet he'd look just as fresh when (if) he gets to xer's age~ as for xer's different sides, just be aware the normal one isn't fully aware of his nicer side. wonder how puzzling that can get, being told things by people you don't remember doing or saying X'D

oooo either is nice to hear about! so you're slowly developing atlas right now? if you would like you'll always be free to discuss him with me if you want any help- i'd love to hear about him just in general.


oo we're about the same age then!! (we're still young! at least I feel young LOL) It's a good thing that Galatiers live longer than humans 8'D ahh thank you // I'm sure he'll do whatever it takes to eternalize his good looks tbh LOL okay! Atlas may or may not figure out that Xer has a nicer side now-- he probably will doubt his own memory if that sort of problem comes up LOL

yeah I'm actively developing him as I build on his relationships 8') He's leaning toward rock now due to his friend convincing him! Now I just need to figure out exactly how he's going to join or create a band haha Maybe Xer can help him or maybe after he forms a band?