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God I feel you, I was actually trying to find some HTML codes and how to use them, but all I did was pretty much nothing, just looked at stuff, I was mostly confused however. I should definitely get ready before doing something I don't have any idea about.

Tried making a carrd as well, buttttttt, the same thing happened, didn't know what to do!!! shakes head

Tomorrow when I wake up, i'm planning to actually draw how I want the carrd to look like on paper, so I know what to do, I also imagine it having a

'90's detective, having a coffee whilst it's dark and reading a book as the rain pelts on the window" type of vibe <3333333 I just fucking love stuff like that man, god, it just hits me. I LOVE DARK JAZZ!!!!!!!!! GHRHRR

Or a Murder/Dust Sans or Nightmare Sans vibe to the carrd, i'll see .. . . .. . chuckles in a malicious way

I really don't want to waste my time, so I really want to be organised really well. Not even sure if making the carrd wouldn't be a waste of time, I mean it wouldn't, right? Dunno, just feel like it would be useless for me, thinkin' 'bout it all


Good luck with that bestie!!