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Hey r u still up 4 these ? ^_^ /NF !! 

YEA SORRY iim just workiing on freebs rn :) iill let you know what ii want when iim avaiilable !!! ii was just thiinkiing abt thiis actually

UR GOOD DW !! I’m Trina finish up owed art anyhow so :] 

just outta curiosity would u be up 4 doing multiple ? I have a few ideas but I don’t wanna just randomly throw them all on u 😭 

OOOO yea ii could!!! ii thiink that'd be fun :) lemme get my iideas down iin a biit iim workiin on freebs

SWAG !! :] take ur time no rush I’m actually like so fucking hype 2 see what designs are gonna be “raffled” today LOL