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hi!! hows your progress?

Hi there, I’m so sorry for the late reply and even later finished pieces!! 😭 I’ve fallen much more behind on this than acceptable, no excuses. I will do my very best to have them all finished by this Thursday at the latest, and if not I believe it’s absolutely acceptable to put this character back up for offers (if I don’t finish by Thursday, which I doubt will happen; and if so I’ll be sure to finish them anyways for the troubles). I hope this is agreeable, I am so sorry!

No it's ok!!! I can give you another month since I usually cancel holds after 3 months, I was just giving a reminder lmaoo

You a literally so amazingly sweet! But I insist on getting it done by then - thank you for your understanding! 💗

Oh my goodness I’m sorry this took me so long; thank you for your unrelenting faith! Here’s a link to each of the pieces (not so toyhouse savvy) 😭💜 

Thank you so so much for accepting my offer, your unrelenting kindness and understanding and again putting up with my extremely long completion; I hope you’re having a wonderful new year! 🫶

no worries at all!!! happy new year