Comments on [F2U HTML] Rain World All Comments

This code's been super useful for my slugcat and scav characters!! It's so in-depth and I had a great time using it :D

Question tho; if I fiddled around with it, do you think it would be possible to add more tabs? :0

i'm glad you like it!! :D that would absolutely be possible, you just need to copy one of these (the nav button):


and one of these (the tab pane, which has all the actual tab content—they are collapsed in this screenshot, normally these are Very long):


and then just customize them how you wish :] also make sure only one of the tab panes has the "active" and "show" classes. feel free to ask further questions if you need, i didn't go into much detail here lmao

Oooohhh, that's so cool!!! Thank you :0 I might try that! I'll come back if I have further questions!