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Please reply here to offer for: TABBY TALISMAN
A mischievous kitty with an unusual aura and perpetual snack-food scent. They're constantly surrounded by playful animal spirits who seem to want nothing but to play!

Seeking USD, points, art, trades (read description for details)
AB 1 $45
AB 2 $52 (Comes with headshot of character!)

Ahh this character is adorable! I was wondering if my art interests you? If so I can do 2 fulls, 2 busts, and maybe one sticker sheet (6-7 stickers)

You can look at my art on my TH profile, but some of the art is outdated. I have some recent references I put on scratch if you’re okay with going off TH.

If you like my art, but not the offer, I can add/substitute anything! Thanks for considering my offer and I hope you get a ton of good ones!! 😊

2,000 pts (might come back later and add more ^^)

Someone offered $40! (Link to comment) c: thank you so much for your interest awaa

Eeep, I might be able to top that, but not at the moment ^^’

kehe no problem!! I appreciate that you've checked out my adopts regardless ^w^ it means very much to me! I've noted down your offer for the other character as well !

lmk if u see anyone in my th ! for now my currency offer is 2kpts & $20

I don't believe anyone particularly caught my eye!! I'll keep the currency in mind however ^O^ thank you sm for offering!~

HELLOO I'd love to accept this offer!! ^O^

You can send the points to and the PayPal money to [email protected] ! Please remember to send $20 in USD currency, not CAD, and let me know as soon as you've made both payments so that I can set up the character's profile and transfer them to you!

aside, thank you SO much for offering ;O;; I appreciate the interest so incredibly much uwaa

hey hey, just (lightly!!) bumping this as it has been a period of 24 hours ❤!

sorry i havent been on yesterday! i sent both!

No worries at all - neither have I, as it turns out! I've received both payments, thank you soso so much for buying!! >__< I'll get their character profile up and to you right away, I appreciate it immensely graahh <3