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FORREAL i finished my classes a while ago, gotta start job searching or looking at universities next x_x. i cant believe how long it's been since furvilla was opened, i still remember making my account and really loved making painties LOL. if i ever get the time maybe i'll go back and try making another now that im more competent in art and designing :3c i wonder where all my old designs are these days lol it'd be funny to see people still using them in 2023

and good news i actually found zaden on an old account! i thought i was never gonna find the email for it.. shes here with me now though :) ill probably keep her on authorization for now since i keep all my ocs hidden, there should be a bulletin on my profile you can ask for authorization in if you're ever interested in having a look around at my stuff (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ a lot of my more recent art should be hiding around there too!

i've got a discord if you ever wanna add me, though im not suuper active on it anymore. just messaging or shooting me a comment on my profile is also fine! i check my toyhouse pretty often ̄ω ̄)/

Oof man, good luck with that my dude. Take it from someone who's already had to do that-- filling out college applications SUCKS. Especially because you have to pay a fee for some to even put that application in-- like wtf, I have to pay you just for you to reject me? It's a total scam. That's why I just went to my local community college and then transferred to my end goal college, a lot less stress that way. At least with my job, I found a place that was both 1. hiring just about anybody, and 2. I actually liked enough to stay for three years, so there's that going for me I guess.

Yeah, I think I first joined FurVilla when I was in middle or high school??? Damn, it really takes me back. I remember being in LOVE with your painties back then, I think I followed your thread where you'd post the ones you made for your characters! They were fucking gorgeous lmao, I would have bought them all if I could. You had to have been one of my favorite makers at that  point. I can't speak for the ones other people have, but I still know I got all mine safe and sound! 

YAYYYYYY ZADEN! If I can ever get Fade's anatomy down, I'll try and draw some ship art for them! It's crazy that Fade and Zaden are the whole reason you and I ever got to talking, sometimes things just turn out like that lmao. I think I'll ask for authorization on that bulletin of yours-- I have an idea that could be funny lmao.

Admittedly, I'm not super active on Discord as well-- I'm MUCH more active on Toyhouse haha-- but you can shoot me a friend request at JestersDance! I promise I'll get to it within the week.