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I'm super interested.. is there a story behind behind the loss of the leg? It seems like they were friends with Johan at one point and then mauled by the same character, is that what happened? :-0 (guessing based on the art!!) I'm so sorry if this is weird, just super fascinated with it and interested in the possible story behind it!!!  

Hey there, yeah!! It's not weird at all haha I genuinely appreciate your interest!!

Iuppiter and Johan are brothers! Originally the story was that Iuppiter grabbed Johan's leg to keep him from stepping on a bear trap wehn Johan snapped and mauled Iuppiter which ultimately resulted in Iuppiter's leg being lost, but that storyline has been scrapped. The current lore is that Iuppiter tried to/threatened to leave Johan and attempt to escape their abusive relationship but Johan mauled him and ate his leg as punishment/to keep him incapacitated & incapable of leaving! They're so good for each other :'))

Also I'm so sorry for the delay in responding lol I kept forgetting to reply

That's actually so awesome oh my goodness!! 

Thank you, I appreciate that haha!