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heya! so i’m really interested in the lovelinked concept you’ve got and am thinking of making fancharacters, but one question: is it okay if they’re feral/non-anthro creatures?


soultunes and lovelinked are two separated concepts! im just a dumbdumb and keep forgetting to change the folder icon. soultunes aren't mine, they belong to my ex and are both a closed concept and don't allow non-humans lol. 

lovelinkked however is owned by me, and your free to make fan characters if you'd want :D! im happy you like the idea :D. i'll probably try to start writing out more of the lore and stuff sometime soon since your interested

lovekinked are ususally humanoids/anthros, but they can be *anything* as long as their sentient. so feral/non-anthro's are good nwn. you can also make fandom related things like pokemon if that'd be something you'd wanna do

figured the thing about soultunes after i found the group :p

and thanks!


no problem nwn

im in the middle of re-vamping all of it, but if you'd want to your free to put any lovelinked fan characters you make into the world group (it's called "heart stringz" due to the concept using both names lol)