Comments on screen tablet size, csp, and xp-pen. opinions? All Comments

I actually got one of the screen tablets but switched it out for an ipad! The reason for me was ... there's way too many wires! It needs 3 different wires to plug into the computer and I got tired of setting it up to draw.

That being said - it works really well! There was little to no latency and the work space was really nice (xp pen).    so if you don't mind the set up it'll probably be worth it! 

The newer models (at least xp pen and huion) actually allows usbc connection!! ... for an additional cost LMAO 

but i think its one im willing to make if the other option is lotsa cables 🤡🙈 sounds really cumbersome,,

HMMMMMMM i would say thats way better i think the last part is to make sure you have enough ports on your computer cause I use 2 monitors and that means I would have to unplug one each time if I decided to use it RIP 

BUT IF U HAVE ENOUGH PORTS that that sounds like a good plan!

OOOO 2 monitors sounds fun… ONE DAY ((shakes fist))!!!
mac has like 3 usbc ports so i think it works out pretty good   ty for your inputs hehe im getting closer to that shopping cart button..