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Hey, sorry if i have a bad english, i speak spanish, and i also dont know how to use toyhouse well-


so, i came here cuz i need help with something, let me explain

i buy adopts on amino, im a minor so i cant pay money for adopts, so i just use amino coins

i saw an adopt there that i REALLY liked

i was able to buy it, and i was really happy with it! it became my main really fast and i was going to use it on a lot of things

but sometime later i just found that it was stolen, and it kinda hurt

my reaction was kinda bad, i cried, and i got to the point of scratching my wrist for that

i know it was stupid and i kinda regret doing that. 

The person that gave me that adopt ended up being really nice and apologized, she also returned the amino coins. But the thing is, it still hurts that i lost my main character, it was kinda personal to me, and i miss it a lot... 

I was looking for the actual owner of the adopt and it was you

i saw that you were trying to sell it, as i said, i am a minor and i cant pay real money for adopts, plus i am in Argentina and it would be a lot of money for me- 

But i really really miss it and i want to see if i could get him back- can i at least try to offer for him??

All i could give would be art and ANY of my characters (i will show them to you later) or maybe customs? 

i can offer many drawings as you want, i just really want to get my old character back-