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Okk! I’ve been trying to figure out and it would help lots tysm

Ok here's a like base color concept thingu. More patterns and more of the yellow and Red would be cool plus whatever else you wanna add and obv stuff from my original comment ^^ (also ignore that I drew no ears plz add ears 💀)


Ok :DD

IMG_9930.jpg?ex=65a70517&is=65949017&hm=Also wip of rooster I hope the image works (it will be traced onto procreate, I usually do sketch on paper)

AWW SHE'S SO CUTE RAGH I LOVE IT!! She looks so nice in your style omg

Tyy :D

let me know if you want anything like removing antenna (I might add little angel wings or something) and probably gonna add more markings


OHMYGAWD THERE SO CUTE WHATE! only changes I want aree umm I think no antenna and if the eyes can be fully open instead of half closed (leik in the image kinda) AND WINGS WOULD DEF BE SUPER COOL!

Okk :D got it

I requested designer credit because I’m not sure if you’d like to be added, also please lmk if there’s any changes you’d like me to make before I transfer :]

8 Replies