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Is there anything in specific you're looking for in terms of trades?

If characters, I guess anything that's not Pokémon or fandom in general :o

I see! Thank you for getting back to me..!
I have a handful of anthro/non-fandom related of charaters here (though, there's fandom / pokemon characters mixed in!)
Feel free to disregard prices, I really love this design & am more than willing to trade multiples. I'm also willing to offer a trade & $25! (I'd offer to buy it outright but I don't currently have the full $50 to spare)

And if no one there interests you, do you have any specific sorts of aesthetics you like? I can totally dig through my other character pages to see if I have anything I'd be happy trading.

Sorry but I didn't see anyone I connected with ;;!

It's hard to say what aesthetics I like specifically since I like a lot, it just depends on the execution of them- Apologies If I'm making this a little difficult @.@' 

Apologies but I've accepted someone else's offer ;;!

No worries! Congrats to them & you :D