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ofc!! i can make u a drawing kinda like this!

also im SORRY IF IM BEING KINDA GREEDY teehee but my dumbass kinda didnt notice and now im in love so you can ad them to my offer pool if no one else is bidding rn 😎

Can u do him?! u can do a scene theme for him if u want ;;w;;<33#

AND HEHE its ok i dont mind!!! XDDD lemme see the status on his offers rq and ill get back to u :3

sorry for the late ish reply i was at an appointment today but ofc!!! i can work with this character!! ill gwt to work rn!

I cant fucking wait im gonna implode

SFJIUDHUIDH THANK UUU man ur actually so nice bro NHDUHH :333

NO U!!!! X3♥︎

6 Replies

wut would ur art offer be for wire btw? :3

i can probably do a fullbody bit with a bg similar to the other piece i shoed you with little props and stuff!! i could raise the offer if you want tho i have no idea how 2 offer in art XD

Ill take as much art as ur offering cuz im fucken obsessed my brother in christ 🥺♥︎

U just tell me wut u think is fair/worth and ill match the energies

ODIJHDUbTYYY so yeah i think since wire comes w the 2 little designs i could do something like this that i showed b4 but a fullbody instead!

Im stuck between two characters can i send them both? U can always surprise me hehe!

9 Replies