Comments on Art Trades (opennn) All Comments

hi omg i’d absolutely love to do a trade!!! 

i’d love to see this guy in ur style!  i’m willing to draw anything from the list, but i do have the most experience in human/humanoids, anthros, and monsters/unique species. maybe quadrupeds ? (check my art tab if ya wanna!) most of my trades end up being experimental anyways so i’d love to do something like that if you’re down!

Hey! Sure, we can totally do an experimental trade :D Here’s examples of what generally to expect!

Would you be able to draw ? Can totally swap out if you’d prefer a different character!

YES sure can do!!! i’ll try to have my side done sometime this week, let me know if you’ve got any questions!

Awesome! Do you have a discord I could message with the WIPs as I work? If you'd like to add me my user is acidata !!!!

yes i do!! it’s LavenderGroves, i’ll add you rn!