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hello good ! I hope you are well, sorry for bothering, but a long time ago (a year x,d) I had received a ticket that was to exchange a custom character And I wanted to ask, can I still use that ticket or not? 


of course! any tickets I make do not expire and are only voided to blacklists users (none so far yay)

awww sounds great! I have a question, do you draw pokemon? 


I am not experienced drawing them, but I can absolutely try! I even have a pokemon trainer OC

as for the ticket, may you remind me how/where you had gotten it? (just want to make sure since I forget things a lot)

If I'm honest, it's been a while since I've used toy house, looking at the character's record, only you are the one who transferred it to me x,d


Oh okay, may you link the character?


Nevermind, I have found the ticket. Please DM me your request :3