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Would you accept art for any of these beans? TBN / Unnamed or Adelaide?

(and I was wondering what you were looking for, for some of these?)

I absolutely would for the first 2, Adelaide I'm not entirely sure. I spent quite a bit to get my hands on the Fearin characters I have and never ended up doing anything with them unfortunately.. I was hoping to get $ for her to be quite honest with you but it probably wouldn't be totally out of the question depending on what you would be willing to draw for her.

as for the outfits it depends on which ones you're looking at I suppose (wasn't looking for anything in particular when I put them in here), I'd most likely accept anything from money to trades (art or character) give or take which outfit it is

Art Examples <- would you accept a full body like this for the first two?
I can offer a full and a half body for Adelaide in this style if it interests you? But all good if not! <3

For outfits I liked these ones: one / two / three (<-especially this one) / four / five / Six / Seven / eight 
Feel free to let me know what type of art trades you'd be interested in (or the worth of them if uninterested in art)

I can accept the first 3 (if you can do May for the first full-body and Tiko for the full and half bodies) 

for the outfits up to the 4th one I'm fine to do art trades (of any kind really I'm not super picky there) but the rest are worth a little more. five and six are the same, ones just a recolor and would go together regardless if I ended up getting rid of them or keeping them, five/six I spent around 10 on (but would be willing to let go of for less), seven was around 15 but they got rid of the post/account so negotiable and eight was 24 bucks when I originally got it

Awesome! I can draw them! ^-^ I'll let you know when I'm done with the sketches for approval before colouring! <3

I'd love to offer art on the first four then! would you be ok with two full bodies for them?
(I'm gonna think on the others for now -w-)

that works for me, ima move all the characters/outfits in pending for you~ as for the last 2 full bodies ima say probs Rayna and Valerie if you're all good with it obv :)

13 Replies