Comments on  Dainty MYO All Comments

Anything from either of these TH accounts?

I'm also willing to offer a full sheet custom with an icon if none of those catch your eye! Art examples here:

Three completed custom examples:

If need be I can also add USD as an addon!

I don’t see anything that catches my eye and I don’t need any customs right now. But I’d be willing to accept art + USD.

Sure! How much of both were you thinking? Also, could I see this MYO's master list link please? Just to be sure- ^^

Yeah of course! the site was down when I made the listing.

You're totally fine, I just wanted to make sure! Would you say $15, a chibi, and a halfbody/icon would be a fair amount? I'm very bad at determining worth so we can adjust as necessary- 

Would $20 be okay? I’m kinda bad at it as well.

2 Replies