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Hey I apologize for bugging you, but if you ever decide to get rid of this baby could you let me know? My name is Orielyn but I was originally known as Firamodor on deviantART before I moved to Orielyn both on here and deviantART. I regard trading this baby away but I am happy to know that they have found a forever home, at least I hope. Again I apologize for bugging you, I just wanted to let you know that if you ever had to trade or sell them...please let me know. Thank you for your time!

Just saw this now, whoops x - x Moss absolutely has a 100% forever home with me. I may not have pictures on here about it, because I'm really bad about checking TH x - x but I can tell you with absolute certainty that they'll never be traded ^^" I'm sorry that you miss them, but you can rest assured that they are very deeply loved ^^"

That makes me very happy to hear!! <3 I am very happy to know that Moss is safe with you ^^

Absolutely! They've got a whole little family now ^-^

Ahh!! ^w^ I am just thrilled!!! I am so happy they have a forever home with you!! Thank you so much for taking such amazing care of them <3

Aw, well thank you for designing them ^^

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