Comments on Harpy All Comments

- Honestly, I still like the name Harpy and I'd consider keeping it. I think my second choice would be Haven though or something similar :) - I do have a story I'm working on (need a lot of stories for my ADHD brain grind). But, I would like to use them for one of my heavily fantasy and post-apocalyptic stories where they can still use their design but they might be changed to a feral but still have some anthro characteristics, like the ability to talk and understand other creatures outside of other animals. I think they'd serve good as being a former soldier with the weapon they have. - With their current ref, they seem really softspoken and kind but still saddened by something. Perhaps in the future or something that lingers in the past, but try to remain free of holding themselves back from it. - I'm not good with voiceclaims but, I could imagine a voice from LOTR or Star Wars?

Hope that isn't too much information :)

This works! I'll send em your way, if it helps, they were originally based off Kassandra from Assassin's Creed Odyssey