Comments on 2024 Commissions and Customs OPEN All Comments

This is a bit of a big order!! Should be a total of 840 pts if I'm correct!!

Username: T_L0N_Inc


Commission Type: 3 lineless headshots

Link to Character:  Ricky / Lawly / Cubby

Background Pattern/Outline Colour: 

Ricky - A Pale Red, Blue or Yellow like on his reference!! 

Lawly - Perhaps white with Purple, Yellow, Blue and Pink spots!

Cubby - Dull/Desaturated Rainbow maybe? Once more similar colors to the reference! ^^

Any details/specifications I should know:

Ricky: Neutral smile is totally fine for his expression :D

Lawly: He's always got a heavy lidded expression, and his tongue can be sticking out sort of like a normal dog ^^

Cubby: Neutral smile or super happy smile works just fine! 

Price: 150 pts

Password: Purple!


Commission Type: 3 Lined Headshots

Link to Character: Rusty / Molten / Knick Knack

Background Pattern/Outline Colour:

Rusty: Could be anything! Maybe Dark dull blue or dull orange? Up to you on patterns and whatnot! ^^

Molten: Dark gray or firey? Something along those lines or maybe instead of that, what looks like wires hanging in the background? 

Knick-Knack: Dark Blue or Purple, or Light blue!

Any details/specifications I should know: 

Rusty: His eyes are a bit cloudy! He doesn't need to be dirty if you don't want to draw that but it is preferred! :DD

Molten: Not many notes for him, but he does have a floppy ear, and his ears are more pointed like a wolf rather than rounder like a bear's! ^^

Knick-Knack: He's always got the toothy smile for sure lol! And only one of his eyes is lit ^^ 

Price: 240 pts 

Password: Purple!


Commission Type: 3 Busts

Link to Character: Devlin / Disso / Shine

Background Pattern/Outline Colour: 

Devlin: Uncertain on this one so take artistic liberty! Maybe circusy? Dull colors of red, white, blue, yellow, etc?? Could be any of those or anything along those lines! ^^

Disso: Light blue with white clouds, or very light pink with rainbows!

Shine: Dark blue/purple with white stars! :D

Any details/specifications I should know: 

Devlin: He most likely has a mischievous smile or a goofy tongue stuck out! 

Disso: They're usually sleepy looking or have a daydreamy look in their eyes x]

Shine: Maybe a stern angry look or a disappointed eyeroll type-look if you get what I mean xDD 

Price: 300 pts

Password: Purple!


Commission Type: 1 Custom

Colour Palette (If applicable):  A retro rainbow type pallet, the main base color of the animatronic being the deep blue/almost black color while the rainbows accent it!44be635c9ee95106cbc5e3faa3a6ea7b.jpg

Species: Doberman

Gender: Male! 

Animatronic Type (Toy, Glamrock, etc): Funtime please :D 

Design Specifications/Other Information: Could he have slight inspiration from the Puppet? And Darkened eyes would be amazing! If possible, a vest and bowtie would be cool as well ^^, the colors would be light blue with the vest having a white clouds pattern on it :D

As for his hand, a puppet would be amazing, it would look like the Puppet from FNAF except the accent colors (such as the cheeks, stripes and tears) would all be colors from the same pallet :DD 

Price: 150

Price TOTAL: 840 pts

Password: Purple!

Lmk if you need me to switch out any characters due to complication or need anything clarified! ^^ 

All the characters look good, but I'll let you know if any of them give me trouble ^^

Send the points and I'll get started as soon as I can!

Sent! ^^

Hello! So sorry for the lack of an update, I've been super caught up with school and haven't had the chance to draw in ages ^^'

I have the lineless headshots completed and will start sketching the headshots and busts as soon as I can! Please let me know if anything needs to be changed ^^

They look amazing tysm^ 

Hello! Here are the sketches for the headshots and busts, lmk if anything needs to be changed, and I'll start digitalizing them once you respond ^^

6 Replies