Comments on A Curious TH Question..!! (Anonymous Poll!) All Comments

Oh choco! This reminded me of a recent situation that happened to me 💔

A designer asked for one of their characters back, which i dont have issues with since it was a freebie, ive even traded back characters just asking for the similar value like if i got them for two drawings I will trade them back for two drawings as well.

But the thing was, the creator specifically said that they wanted it since it had an empty profile and i havent done anything with it.

For me it felt really rude and made me almost say no just because of it, but I decided to ignore it in the end because I felt if they had the need to ask for it they really missed it. 

So i gifted it back, but it really left me with a bad feeling from that artist.

Also from me, i dont mind what people do with my designs/customs, once they leave my hands they are free to do as they wish :3.