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while I got them for quite a bit more I would let those go for say $5 each for a total of $15. Sorry, I just got back from a birthday party so it took me a moment to see your message~

You’re fine! Could I get the first two then?

Of course <3 how did you wanna pay, the most popular methods rn are paypal and kofi but I have venmo readily available too <3

We seem to have very spread out time zones so I'm going to go ahead and prep a character with the outfits for easy transfer and give you my Paypal, Kofi and Venmo for you to choose as you like [ Paypal is - my kofi is - and you should be able to find my venmo under rosemegswings as well :D (FYI so that you know the total for the 2 is $10 and I'm throwing the third outfit in there for free for you ;3)]

Sorry for the really late reply, I’d prefer PayPal please!

AH HAH, I caught you on time today! xD I actually already sent all 3 a little less then an hour ago but ill go ahead and copy pasta it for you here lol, "We seem to have very spread out time zones so I'm going to go ahead and prep a character with the outfits for easy transfer and give you my Paypal, Kofi and Venmo for you to choose as you like [ Paypal is - my kofi is - and you should be able to find my venmo under rosemegswings as well :D (FYI so that you know the total for the 2 is $10 and I'm throwing the third outfit in there for free for you ;3)]"

Payment sent through PayPal! Thank you so much!