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hihi! i'm slowly putting this together for my best boy and i didn't realise until I went into the code that the music player is youtube embeds. I'm not super experienced with like MAKING code, so I wanted to ask if there was a way to add an MP3 link at all without breaking everything? He has a custom theme but only in MP3 form.

alright it took me a bit of finnicking around but i think i found a way to do it! you'll have to look for the <iframe> coding, and replace the whole thing with this snippet: <audio controls="" style="width:150px;height:50px; opacity:.0001"><source src="MP3LINK"></audio>

you'll need to be hosting your mp3 to some file hosting site, as it will require a link to work; the thingy won't be clickable on the entire square due to positioning issues, but it should do the trick. (also, this is only tested on pc chrome; unfortunately, i can't 100% guarantee it will work as intended on other devices or browsers)

quick edit because i forgot to add, you can also reference this tutorial for additional tips and stuff if needed!

That worked perfectly, thank you so much for that! My boy has his theme song now.

no problem! glad i could help out ^_^