Comments on Myrtle 🌱 All Comments

Hey there~ I was hoping to offer humanoid art~
Here are a few examples of my work:
I'm not sure how many pieces to offer but we can discuss of course~
I am most comfortable with Headshots / Half bodies but I can do Full Bodies as well. Full bodies just take me a bit longer because feet are hard to draw~~ ;u;

Hi! Sorry for the delay in reply! We would love to accept a trade, just 1 image would be fine qwq <3
We would love it if you could make a bust or icon of our character Jay (accurate colors and design) but this image is a good representation of what he looks like un-chibied <3 We peeked at your art and thought you would draw him amazingly!

Let us know if that works for you?

That works perfectly for me~~ I’m excited to work on this! Thank you~ I can DM progress images if you’d like or just the final image~ I’m so flattered you like my art~~ ✨✨❤️❤️