Comments on 💗🏩SACCHARINE💟🦑 All Comments

HAIII OH MY GAHH would anyone here or here interest you!!!! ^__^ i can also add art and/or USD on!!

MOOOGIEEE HIII the star surfer dude really caught my interest !!! ^_^ <3 if you'd be willing to do him id highly consider ! also how much USD would you add on if you did?

HAI OMG..IM SUPES SORRY star surfer dude actually is already bought T_T ! im holding onto him for the buyer until i finish his FB ref!! Thats my bad, i should of labeled him as such! Was there anyone else that caught your interest? I can do multiples aswell ^.^ ! USD wise, id add on $30-40 + w/e chara(s) youd like! (willing to raise!)

OHHH dear im so sorry my bad I shouldve peeped the comments ... kicks rock. silly me ..

hrrnrnnnmm .. you have such adorbs characters, but nobody else sparked my interest as much !

would you be possibly cool with doing like a custom + usd as add on or something ? cause i could accept that !! ^_^

OMGG YEAH!!!! ^_^ ID LOVE TO💗 im totally cool with that !! I can do a full custom + $35 !!


2 Replies