Comments on Tweened Icons (OPEN) All Comments

Hello! I was hoping to get two of these as a bit of a "pair." One of these is hopefully going to be a surprise for my girlfriend!
Please feel free to turn me down if this is too complicated. Thanks in advance. ^^


idle or emoting: Emoting

front-facing or 3/4th? if 3/4th, left or right?: 3/4th, Right

expression(s) and pose: Resting bitch face looking (with his eyes or facing, either is fine) left that turns into a small little smile as he looks to the right!

other animation: a few hearts in the colour #26885c that pop up when he looks right

background color: #6ab9a8

important notes: His nose should remain pointy, as that's an importance race/species feature. I don't know if it's possible but I'd like for the hearts as well to "sync" up with the second characters icon I'd like to commission

payment method: ko-fi



idle or emoting: Emoting

front-facing or 3/4th? if 3/4th, left or right?: 3/4th, left

expression(s) and pose: A head tilt before he looks to the left and smiles wide.

other animation: a few hearts in the colour #244b18 as he looks to the left

background color: #7aaf79

important notes: Nothing notable I didn't mention in the previous characters notes!

payment method: ko-fi

The main inspiration for these two is this image specifically;

what a cute idea! my queue is a bit backed up rn so it might take a while longer to receive a finished product so lmk if you want to pay now or revisit later

I can pay now, no issue if it takes a bit!

Alrighty! Please send $30 to !



Just letting you know I just reached your order! I’m hoping to get it done soon, sorry for the long wait

5 Replies