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Hello! You're free to look around my TH to see if any of my characters intrest you for them! Off limits are Toyama, Butters and Temper

Hello, thanks for offering!! You have some gorgeous babs but no one I'd trace Ace for, unfortunately. Have a great night!!

hmm, how much is the voucher you're looking for? (as stated in the bio)

I'm unsure yet, unfortunately! I believe I've added around 35USD worth of art for the character, but with how much pre-existing art he has, I wouldn't look for a voucher of that amount. I'm mainly looking for HQ humanoid trades, but if I ever come up with a specific voucher amount I can ping you if you'd like <3

ah ight! Unfortunately the only other thing I can offer currently is art then :')

Your art is lovely but unfortunately not what I’m looking for. Thanks again!!