Comments on Easy to obtain ocs!! All Comments

Hiya! I just love ur art like I always say so I'm here pfft

Interested in

Have these toyhouse accounts u can take a look (really tent but maybe, depends)

Hey!! :) I'm Interested !! also tysm <3 genuinely lolz :)

Oh sorry but ig I can't give rainstorm since shes in a rp rn, id have to ask

Lemme look for a different oc because I don't want to offer on something you're tent on with how low my offer is on my side lol, if there is any ocs in the main folder you have open to offers I can up the trade on my side [Like another character]

Yes u can look for another one nws! I can see, it really depends on the character tho

Alrighty! :) Here are a few I was interested in lmk the status of them :)
[ Atalas, Suneater, Midas, Sobek Coeus (I love this guys design but seeing they have the favs tag I don't expect consideration Lmao /pos), and Shatter (Also adore this design lol) ]

6 Replies