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so thats adding worth !!!! :3 but i also noticed smth in the uhhhhhe  thingy  like   the worth log :P

Which thingy?

its like a note ab sketches in the worth log :P

OHH!! So I didn't add that,, and the sketches won't add any value to Pluto or any other character as they aren't complete art.


but are there any full things!

ALSO ALSOOO do you have any other ocs owned by beidou you like? cus aero is also cassie dreamie and i wonder whether to give t to you or them    SOB SOB SOB

Unfortunately no:( only oc I liked owned by Beidou is Aero that's currently for EO, however I remember they owned another jc design I did like named "luci"! ^_^

36 Replies