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A fellow Wilbur themed Toxa? πŸ‘€

I have one too lol

OO :0 SORRY FOR LATE REPLY BAKSJS ALSO IDK WHY BUT YOU SEEM REALLY FAMILIAR- You remind me of an old friend of mine, but you seem swag :0

Ooh nice! Lol, I know a lot of people so who knows- maybd we do know each other XD

My first toxacat was a Philza one I adopted lol, now I have Comep Tommy, and toxa Wilbur, Techno, and Phil!

Fellow hardcore Wilbur Soot fan? πŸ‘€

yes. I used to be obsessed with him πŸ’” I’ve kinda lost some of that since he’s lacked more in the content department, yes he has his band which is epic really good music but i dunno πŸ˜”

I still have a bit of a hyperfixation on him lol

9 Replies