Something that came to my mind is what would happen if the original owner decides to resell/trade the design? Does the special commercial agreement transfer over to the new owner or does it become void? Edit: Adding on to this, if the commercial agreement does indeed transfer and the new owner doesn't want merch to be produced any longer, what would happen then?


i want to know too! is like is the prev owner purchase the character permissiona and sold in the same price would be fair to the next owner ahve same permissions i guess but waiting the artist answer this 

Kom JBB this is a great question!!

I’m writing up the full document now, but essentially the contract at the time of sale transfers partial commercial rights to me!
So the design rights can be freely traded, sold or gifted, and I will maintain commercial rights.
The contract will stay active for the new owner, and all benefits will remain live for the new owner as well!

I am the only one who can relinquish ownership of commercial rights and so the contract remains live until I terminate it. It will be the original owner’s responsibility to notify a new owner of the contract, and if they don’t like it, then they should simply not purchase the design in question!