Comments on Official 03PYUKO #25 All Comments

If you wish to check the ownership history of the 03PYUKO please refer to this excel sheet.
Please reply to this comment and use the following form when transferring ownership. If you do not have a toyhouse or dA please put down another platform you use.

Previous Owner: ( Username for Toyhouse and Deviantart)
New Owner: (Username for Toyhouse and Deviantart)
If resale, appraisal proof/confirmation is needed!
Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.

This user is not visible to guests.


Previous Owner: CandyLashes 

New Owner: s0ratanie

Method of transfer: Trade!

Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.

This user's account has been closed.


This user's account has been closed.
This user's account has been closed.


This user's account has been closed.


Previous Owner: ClownDrip New Owner: 37564 Method of Transfer: CHARACTER TRADE Confirmation/Proof: Other Party Will Reply



Previous Owner: 37564

New Owner: merryhunnie

Method of Transfer: trade

Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.



Previous Owner: merryhunnie, hunnipuff on da

New Owner: otogami, otogamie on da

Method of Transfer: trade ❤️

Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.



Previous Owner: otogami | otogamie on da
New Owner: ririan | ririarin on da
Method of Transfer: trade
Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.

confirming! ❤️


Previous Owner:  ririan | ririarin on da
New Owner: Mirabel | OatmealSama on da
Method of Transfer: trade
Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.



Previous Owner: Mirabel

New Owner: @craiyuming

Method of transfer: Trade

Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.



Previous Owner: cryu

New Owner: Kunemon

Method of Transfer: Resale of $100

If resale, appraisal proof/confirmation is needed!

Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.


Hello! Please include an appraisal proof before we can update the ML officially! If no appraisal has happened, dont worry you can always get one after a sale as well please just DM us! Thank you!

Kunemon hello! please check this reply chain as we require an appraisal before we can confirm this sale, thank you!

Hi, I don't have an appraisal. I bought the character from cryu so shouldn't they have done the appraisal?

1 Replies