Comments on "HI" - YCH 25$ All Comments Start of Thread Parent

www thanks >v< who should I draw?

I'd love to get it for this widdle guy :3

For this widdly guy, I have some price offer:
- just basic base, no hair no clothes, $20

- Addition of non-animated things like: hair and wings, that'd be +$2

I'll add the glasses for no charge :3

Edit: There's also eye blink animation for +$5, you can consider it

I'd like to add the eye blink & hair + wings please :3

That'd be $27 UwU Would you like to pay beforehand or after sketches? The second one will take a bit longer, about 2-3 week or so, I'll give a link to my queue for you to see hehe People with beforehand payment are on the front with Bold text :3 If you decided to send the money anytime, here is my paypal: [email protected] Thank u so much mwah!

Yeah I can pay now, just to confirm i'll be getting the clothes too since i'm getting the two extra options and would it be possible to get the glasses aswell or would that be too much?

3 Replies