Comments on Custom/Chibi Raffle [CLOSED] All Comments Start of Thread Parent

aa sorry for such a late response!! no worries about asking for a reminder at all! i promise i’ll work on it soon, i’m just currently focused on owed art and schoolwork atm! (also if u want ur art request changed at any point since i haven’t started yet, feel free to ask ^_^)

Yep that's fine! Best of luck w the schoolwork and payments 👍

are you ok? its been a month [sorry if you're still working on the things you mentioned before guaa]

soso sorry for the lack of updates! i sent a progress sketch of the custom in private messages :,D

heya! sorry i keep like waiting a month to ask if your done mb www, but have you cleaned up the sketch yet? its alr if not.  you can just make the sketch into a character and transfer it to me if you're feeling lazy lol. [copy pasted from discord incase you cant access disc or just don't go on there yuh]

boing [sorry i deleted my ping message thingy, btw am i the person who is suposed to upload the image or nah?]