Comments on Witcher Devon All Comments

OHHHHHH I LOVE HER!!!! The SILHOUETTE… you’re so freaking good at costume design ummm what the heck…. Who allowed this… 

DEVON YOU ARE AWESOME KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING!!!! When I say I love unconventional art THIS is what I mean… society’s not ready for you Devon but I am. Official no 1 Devon fanboy now 🔥

(also the joker textpost made me laugh out loud thank you)

HEE HEE!!!! THANK YOU KINDLY!!!!!!! Devon’s a freak I hate it. Idiot bastard!!!! Hit him with bricks!!!!!!!! AND HGELP????? I’M GLAD!!!!! :-] HUNCONVENTIONAL ART HELP. YEAH! Society is NOT ready for Devon I don’t think we should actually let him into society I think Bad Things would Start Happening. BUT I’M GLAD YOU ARE!!!!!!!! NUMBER ONE FANBOY!!!!!!!!