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OH can you give me a rundown of their personality? also of what their relationship might be :0

Friends? Maybe siblings since they look kinda similar? Mine is very chaotic neutral 

alright! also putting it out there that i’d also be fine with a wholesome romantic relationship if you wanted to do that at all, but if that makes you uncomfy / you just don’t want to do that i think they’d make good friends!!

anything i should know about your guy particularly? as for headspace, they’re mute and struggle to express much emotion, but they do care a lot about what few friends they have, which at this point is only mass destroyer 500 [ super funny name btw lmao ]

headspace is probably either lawful neutral or true neutral in terms of alignment

I could totally do that wholesome romantic thing! I think it would be cute lol

Mass destroyer 500 ( just call him des for short hah )is very spontaneous, a bit overactive but tries to be calm around those the cares for. He’s great at reading emotions, so I would imagine him to good help to headspace haha

Des isn’t great at making friends due to his attitude and loud nature, though in reality he acts different. He feels the need to always be strong because that’s how he was brought up. but what friends he manages to make he deeply cares for

If you need any other info let me know haha 


and i can that des being good at reading headspace’s emotions would be really funny to outside eyes, with des knowing exactly what headspace is feeling while headspace looks as emotionless as ever lmao

and aww i love des <33 he’s a sweet lad

i’ll keep all that in mind for whenever i make headspace’s profile code :D and inevitably draw them together

Ahh their so sweet hehe I love headspace as well I’m definitely making art hehehehe

Heya! I’m making des’s code, wondering what they are to each other? Partners? Boyfriends? Girlfriends? Ik des is a boy but what is headspace?

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