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Awww omg!! That's so sweet of you!! <33 He is an absolutely lovely person!! One of the nicest people I have ever met on this website <33

AWW OMG THATS SO CUTE!!! I love that for you omg!!! <333 

Also thank you so much!!! That means an absolute ton!! qwp, I would love to talk with you if you would as well! <33

I'll take you up on that offer my dear🥰🥰 I don't mind to have a chat and mingle like artists do! 

     Tbh, I don't have many art mutuals...

There's so many I wish to ask on Instagram that have so many followers, but I'm afraid to do so... 

     I'm afraid that they'll either ignore my invitation in the comments of their reels or decline me because of how I draw..

Ugh I entirely understand you there, sometimes it's terrifying to interact with people who have big followings :( but if they meet you with hostility or just being rude, I think that says more about them as a person than not :(

It deeply upsets me when people give others crap for their art, I personally think your art is lovely!!! I think youre doing good, and if it makes you happy thats all that matters! :D <3

You're such a sweetheart, you know that??😭😭💓💘💖💘😣 

But it is all oh so deeply true!! Every single time I see reels on Instagram talking bout "want to be art moots?" This or "looking for art moots!" That.... All I can do is "like" ♥ the reel and say nothing at all😔

       But thank you, sweetie 😭 I try my best!! Sometimes I use ibis paint, sometimes I use old Sony sketch.

I'll show you🥰🥰 if you like to see more of course.

Aww!! I try my best I really do!! ❤️ ❤️ 💖

I do understand that too, It's sadly always a fear when it comes to other artists :( but sometimes it just takes some courage ^^ 

I would absolutely love to see!! I would love to see more of your work!! ❤️❤️

Since Idk how to put them here, I'll show you what my silly self can do in the Dm's >:3 ✍️

Actually 😭😭😭😭 I don't know how to do it at all!

3 Replies