Comments on Commissions [CLOSED] All Comments

Hi I somehow found your old pixel art commissions post and commented there without seeing the new link so forgive me for sending a request twice but are pixel art commissions for esks still open :0

Oh hello!!  I'm sorry for not seeing that- I haven't been on dA much since it switched to eclipse which is why I moved the info over djdhdk

But yes!  Pixel comms are still open!  I see your comment from dA- is that still what you would like to order?  If so, it'll be a $4 upcharge for the animation since it's medium sized.  (instead of the listed $3)  If that sounds okay, please feel free to send your PP info and I'll send an invoice for it :9

That sounds good! My email is [email protected] :D (Sorry for the late reply)

No problem!  Invoice has been sent

I never got the email for some reason ;;? the Email i gave you is right so I'm confused on what happened

Oh that's very weird.  I've double-checked the invoice I sent to you and it is also correct.  Are you not able to find invoice #0172?  I can always try to send a 'reminder' and see if it shows up then, and if not, cancel it and resend a new one?

5 Replies