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i feel silly for asking, but I got an MYO recently and I'm reading the trait guide stuff but I'm confused about the heights! Are they allowed to be only 6'0"? even tho the examples shows a bit above that? Sorry if this is bothering you, I misunderstand things often 😭

Hello there! In reality, Angemos can reach a height of 9'1 (officially), but are commonly the height of an average human (which is, 6'0), that part was written to give an example, but nothing else! So don't worry, Angemos can be any height you want, the official limit is 9'1, but taller than that is directly non-canonical or Abnormality rarity only.
I hope this clears up doubts!

OH, OK!! Thank you kindly!! When I finish designing do I just dm this account? :D

Sure thing! You may either DM this account or join our discord server for a faster response in approval!

Alright! Thank you kindly :D