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May i ask, what would be the lowest on Money offers you would Take for this Baby?

I could also offer someone from my half human/animal and Entertainment Offers folder! 🥹🤍

im really tent on him and mihai since they are in my main folder but, the min $$ i would b looking for is 50:3

but im not really looking for resale/full resale just offers to c if i like anything more

Totally understandable 🥹 i could totally offer 60$ for him If you're okay with a small hold! 

ahhh i meant min50+offer since i’d only accept money offer only if it’s full resale 

but im still rlly tent on him so ill def have to think about offers for him just to make sure i don’t regret it later on

Ahhh! XD okay HAHA sorry its 4 a.m for me 🤣 totally understandable 🥹🤍 don't worry 🤍