Comments on hold | __vampireghost__ All Comments

Hi! I wish I could offer money, however all I can really do is art at the moment haha!

I’d love to offer 3 fullbodies, 2 regular headshots and 1 animated headshot! You can see examples of my art on my toyhouse ^^ I’d also be willing to add more if this seems like too little, but I completely understand if you’re not interested in the offer ^^

hey there!! i'm super interested in this offer and would love to accept this, your art is so cool! :D i'll put ren on hold for you!! 

for the art, you can choose anyone from these two folders to draw!! if you need more options, let me know :3



Awesome!!!! Is there anyone you specifically want me to draw with each piece or just choose myself?

you can choose them yourself!! whichever characters inspire or interest you the most :)

Alright! I’ll get to work right away!


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