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ahhh i’d be interested in AB’ing this cutie but atm i’m still trying to sort out cashapp because it’s currently at war with me (doesn’t wanna let me make an account hahaha) would it be poss that u have paypal or any alternative payment methods at all? otherwise i may need to contact my friend to middle man for me 😭

I do have PayPal and Venmo! :] Altho for PayPal you could have to cover the fees it takes away so I can get the full $50 ^^

Hihi! Are you still interested?

hi yes sorry i mentally replied oops do u know the amount i’d need to send thru paypal for ya?

I don't but you could send the 50 but before you confirm you could see how much the fee is an around it up! (Like if the fee is $1.35 you can just go to $2) I would say use family and friends but I don't wanna get in trouble with PayPal Here's my PayPal so you can pay when you can :]

money should be sent now!!!

waa tysm! I'll transfer the oc over <3