Comments on Art contest ¦ EXTENDED All Comments

HALLO WAIT IM BACK !! Just wanna make sure I have it clear !! :3 so the bulletin is optional and all I have 2 do 2 be entered is by drawing an oc listed in the tag, put into their gallery, and then link the drawing in the comment section ? :0 JUST WANNA BE SURE !! 

correct! you don't have to make a bulletin at all, that's just for a separate small prize pool :3

and to answer your question about voting, i will compile all of the entries into a google form where people can vote for the one they like best! you are free to vote for yourself, and also to ask for friends to vote for you as well if you want to! i just simply don't feel comfortable being an arbiter of artwork judging since i'm not an artist and i don't trust myself to make an informed decision on what would be "best", so i leave it up to the public to decide c: