Comments on look at this species!!!!<3 All Comments

Reee- I need to fucking enter this this but I'm away from my pc! >:U

X'D omg don't worry the event is til agust 31 so u have time XD

if i could claim a slot for ya i would do it, but im not sure if it's possible ;w; since u must fallow the steps of the form 



I'll try to enter but I'm hella anxious with groups

XD dont worry it alsoo happens to me 

Like I recently were taked out from a discordant group due to inactivity X'D I felt really bad for it now I first ask if there is any problem with inactivity and other issues just in case XD i kinda forgot that I'm into groups since i dont use discord much also bc I'm shy as fuck when it comes to interacting or other group activities X'D

But i let it know when I got my MYO that is most probable I will be not so active on the discord group just in case and the owner said that activity is not a problem so shy ghosts like us have nothing to worry about XD 



I don't think ima join bc there's so many people and it's hard enough to avoid them irl xD

:3 don't worry  (we have our bbys after all  >:3)

u are not forced to join  X'D 

2 Replies